Scam or fraud: PayTM Mobile Solutions — Payment failed, but money deducted

Submitted by:  binnu111

Complaint Details:
I wanted more details about my order no 2359413336. I had placed 2 orders. I had clearly stated in the complaint tickets that Rs 618/- from my bank account and Rs 44/- from my paytm wallet (that is a total of 662 ) has deducted from my bank account. I had enquired in the bank also regarding this issue. The bank manager said that amount has been deducted from the bank account from PRCR/0000000000000000000000/NOIDA.
I have attached the statement too. And as per your records why is it so? if the order not placed then what about the paytm wallet money. Its really disappointing to experience this kind of situations from the Paytm service.
And now you people deleted that order details from my profile…
So I kindly request you to refund the same amount to the bank account and paytm wallet as soon as possible.

Waiting for the reply

