Scam or fraud: PayTM Mobile Solutions — 5,000 amount not added on paytm Wallet

Submitted by: shehzab quraishi

Complaint Details:
5, 000 amount not added successfully on paytm balance but the amount was deducted from my bank account
Transaction ID is 22587392
Transaction date is 17/12/2016
Transaction time is 22:56:01

Note : I would like to inform that I was added money 15, 000 from Canara bank to paytm Wallet 10, 000 amount was successful added then I transferred to union bank. After this once again I was added 5, 000 money on paytm Wallet from Canara Bank ( amount deducted from Canara Bank) but not added on paytm Wallet

Please refund my money back on paytm Wallet balance
Mob : 7411550950

